Logo of the Java RMI Plug-in for Eclipse

RMI Plug-in for Eclipse
version 2.0

Installing from a ZIP file

Follow these instructions to install the RMI Plug-in for Eclipse. You can also watch the installation flash movie.

  1. Save all your work and exit Eclipse
  2. Delete all the old versions (if any) of the RMI Plug-in for Eclipse from the "plugins" and "features" subdirectories of your Eclipse installation.
  3. Download the latest version of the RMI Plugin for Eclipse from http://www.genady.net/rmi/v20/downloads.html
  4. Extract the contents of the ZIP file into the main Eclipse directory (the directory that contains the "plugins" and "features" subdirectories).
    • RAD6.0: Extract the zip file contents into the main eclipse directory
      (e.g. "C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\SDP\6.0\eclipse")
(click to enlarge)
  1. Start Eclipse.
    1. Open the Workbench Preferences ("Window->Preferences") and locate the "RMI" subcategory under the "Java" section. If you have found the preferences page, then the installation is complete. Otherwise keep reading.
    2. Use "Help->Software Updates->Manage Configuration" to open the "Product Configuration" dialog. In the dialog window locate the "Show Disabled Features" toolbar button and make sure it is pressed. Then expand the install locations and locate the RMI Plug-in for Eclipse note. If the node is marked as disabled, right click on it and select "Enable". Restart the worbench when prompted (do not use the "Apply Changes" option).
    3. If you still cannot find the RMI preferences section, try closing Eclipse and starting it again, this time passing the "-clean" command line argument to the eclipse executable. If the "-clean" flag has helped, you can continue starting Eclipse normally without the "-clean" flag.
      See "Eclipse Release notes" for more information.
    4. If the "-clean" flag did not help, try deleting all files (except "config.ini") from the "configuration" directory of your Eclipse installation. Of course, back up the files and directories you're about to delete.
    5. If you still can't see any of the RMI Plug-in actions, try deleting the installed files of the RMI Plug-in and use the update site method.

(1. click to enlarge)

(2. click to enlarge)

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