Logo of the Java RMI Plug-in for Eclipse

RMI Plug-in for Eclipse
version 2.0

Updating the RMI Plug-in

There are two ways to update the RMI Plug-in for Eclipse. You can either download the new plug-in version from the website as a ZIP file or use the built in updates mechanism (see below). If you chose to download the plug-in, the installation instructions are the same as for a first-time installation.

The preferred update method is to use the Eclipse update mechanism. Updating is very simple - just follow these steps:

  1. From the "Help" menu chose "Software updates"->"Find and Install..."
  2. Choose the first option - "Search for updates of the currently installed features" and press "Finish".
  3. If Eclipse prompts you to select a mirror - it is for updating Eclipse itself. Pick the mirror nearest to you or the default (first) item.
  4. Now Eclipse will search for updates for all your installed plug-ins. It may take a moment or two.
  1. If a new version of the RMI Plug-in is available, it will appear in the list. Make sure it is checked. You can also update other plug-ins and features along with the RMI Plug-in for Eclipse.
  2. Press "Next".
  3. Accept the license agreement, and proceed with the download and installation.
  4. Restart the Eclipse workbench if you're prompted to do so.

(5. click to enlarge. Screenshot taken on Linux)

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