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RMI Plug-in for Eclipse
version 2.0

Archived downloads

This page contains downloads instructions and links for older RMI Plug-in releases that support earlier releases of Eclipse, IBM RAD and RSA and JBuilder. These products are typically based on Eclipse releases 3.2 and older. Please visit our main downloads page for latest downloads.

Guide to older versions

The previous version of the RMI Plug-in for Eclipse is v2.0.6 and it support earlier versions of Eclipse: 3.2 (Callisto), Eclipse 3.1.2 and commercial products based on these versions (e.g., CodeGear JBuilder 2007, IBM Rational RSA 7.0). Please note that v2.0.6 is the latest version for Eclipse 3.2 and 3.1. RMI Plug-in for Eclipse v2.0 also supports products built on top of previous Eclipse builds -Eclipse 3.0.2/RAD/RSA 6.0, but a number of small features are not available.

By downloading the RMI Plug-in for Eclipse you accept the License Agreement

For Eclipse 3.2.1, Eclipse 3.1.2, JBuilder 2007, IBM Rational RAD 7.0

For Eclipse 3.0, RAD 6.0 and RSA 6.0

Click on the link below to download RMI Plug-in as a ZIP package.

Eclipse 3.0 limitations: no clickable links, limited support for JDK 5.0.

While downloading...

You might wish to check the following resources related to this version while downloading:

After downloading you may need to obtain a license key that will allow using the RMI Plug-in beyond the initial (15 days) trial period.

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